How Many Photographs Are Included In An Adjustment of Status Application?

Do you know how many photographs should be included in an application to adjust status?  Is it two?  or four?  six?  Or none?  What happens if you provide the incorrect number?

Often, immigration applicants, whether seeking family immigration or employment immigration, believe that a few dollars can be saved if they submit a petition without an attorney’s assistance.  Many think that they just need to complete a form and submit a few documents to receive an immigration benefit.  They believe that if they happen to miss a necessary document, or fail to correctly complete the required form, they will be given a chance to correct the mistake – with no lose of money or time.

Unfortunately, such thoughts are often pennywise, dollar foolish.   If a form is completed incorrectly (or not included), then the mistake may be fatal to an application – causing another application fee to be made.  Additionally, often more worrisome to visa applicants is the delay in applications that may result from submitting inaccurate or incomplete applications.  The immigration agency moves as quickly as you would think a large, government bureaucratic institution would move.   Often, if there is additional documentation that is needed, the delay is measured in months, not weeks or days.

If you are seeking a visa, whether it is a marriage visa to a U.S. citizen, or an employment visa, please contact an immigration lawyer to help you properly prepare an application petition.  Otherwise, you risk suffering continued, unnecessary separation and delay.

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