American Opportunity in this Recession

As the recession continues, many have tired to find solace by looking at the good that has come out of previous economic downturns. Many have commented that the majority of today’s leading companies were started during economic down turns. Sunday’s Thomas Friedman article looks a bit deeper into that statement, and believes that innovation is what is behind those companies. Necessity breeds innovation.

Friedman suggests America is better suited to bred innovation than other countries. Moreover, Friedman suggests that America should do its best to ensure that highly educated, innovative foreign nationals can come to the United States and be innovative. He suggests “stapling a green card to the diploma of any foreign student who earns an advanced degree at any U.S. university” and suggests eliminating the limitations on H-1B. As Friedman states, “[t]hey would invent more jobs than they would supplant.”
From Mr. Friedman’s lips to Congress’s ears.

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