Haitians Evacuated To USA Detained

Last week the New York Times ran a rather disturbing story about how Haitians who had been evacuated to the United States are now being detained in ICE facilities due to their lack of a visa.  These Haitians, many of whom were seeking medical treatment when they were evacuated from Haiti, should be granted Humanitarian Parole immediately.  Especially when many of them have family members who are willing to support them until they are able to return to Haiti.

These Haitians did not mean to come to the United States without the necessary immigration documents – they were merely seeking medical assistance.   Why should they be treated like law breakers?

If you look at the USCIS website, or the ICE website, you see information about how the US is helping Haitians.  Perhaps it is time that these agencies actually help them, and not just talk about it.

UPDATE:  Almost immediately after the NY Times ran its story, ICE released these Haitians.

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