President Obama Wants Congress to Act, Not Willing to Use Administrative Powers

File:President Obama Visits Kennedy Space Center.jpgWhen President Obama entered the White House it was thought by many immigration advocates that now might actually be the time when comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) might become a reality.   Advocates were especially optimistic with President Obama’s party controlling both the House and the Senate.   Yet, nearly two years into the Obama Administration, no major progress has been made in obtaining CIR.  The Senate has not even introduced a CIR bill.

A few months back, when it was obvious that CIR was not going to be happening soon, it was thought by many that President Obama would use his executive powers to take administrative steps to correct certain inequities.  A proposed memorandum was even circulated.

Nevertheless, the President has recently crushed the hopes of many advocates as he signaled that he would not use his administrative powers to change certain immigration inequities. Mr. President would have been perfectly within his rights to seek certain changes through administrative changes, yet he prefers to wait for Congress to act.   When will Congress act?   Not this year – and next year isn’t looking likely either…

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