E-2 Visa Interviews At Vancouver, Canada Consulate

The E-2 Visa allows for foreign nationals from certain countries to come to the United States to set up a profitable company, and to remain in the United States on a renewable, nonimmigrant visa.  A unique condition of the E-2 visa process is that the visa is almost always obtained at U.S. consulates abroad.  Canadian nationals are eligible for the E-2 visa and often seek the E-2 visa through interviews at the Vancouver Consulate.

In a recent question and answer session, the staff at the Vancouver Consulate discussed the E-2 visa and specific questions and concerns that often come up at interviews.  The most common problem that the consulate sees are petitions that are not properly prepared or organized because the applicants do not engage an E-2 visa attorney and do not completely understand the process.  These doomed applicants often do not engage attorneys because they want to save money.  Additionally, the Consulate stressed that many applicants do not submit the required documentation prior to the E-2 Visa interview, and do not understand the purpose and requirements of the E-2 visa process.

If you are seeking an E-2 visa, do not be penny wise, pound foolish.  Contact an E-2 visa lawyer and make sure your initial application is accurate, organized, and comprehensive.  In the long run, it will save you money (and heartache).


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