Left Hand, meet Right Hand

Last Tuesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted a worksite raid at Yamato Engine Specialists in Bellingham, Washington.  The raid resulted in the arrest of 29 foreign nationals accused of being in the United States without valid immigraiton status.  Although worksite raids became common place during the Bush Administration, this raid was the first of the Obama Administration.
The raid was a surprise to many – including Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano.  When questioned on Wednesday, a Homeland Security officer stated that the Secretary was not aware of the raid until after it had occurred and had ordered a review.  Additionally, the officer stated that the Secretary “was not happy about it because it’s inconsistent with her position, and the president’s position…”   
Left hand, meet right hand.  Lets hope that as the Obama Administration irons out the winkles, the various immigration agencies will coordinate with each other, Secretary Napolitano and President Obama.  Better coordination will create a more consistant immigration policy – something that many feel has been lacking for many years.

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